Most Rated Garden Ponds | Pond Accessories (showing 31 to 45 of 200)


  1. hot
  2. Nishikoi Goodbye New Pond Problems

    Unfortunately most new ponds experience a problem called new pond syndrome NPS. It is caused by fish being placed in the pond before the new filter is ready to breakdown the ammonia that they excreted. Typical symptoms of NPS include high ammonia or nitrite ... Learn More



    from 1 store
  3. Nishikoi Goodbye Blanketweed (32 Sachets)

    Goodbye Blanketweed is a unique patented bio product with friendly, harmless bacteria and enzymes which eat the food that blanketweed lives on.The treatment also contains activated barley straw which works in conjunction with the bacteria, accelerating ... Learn More



    from 1 store
  4. Nishikoi Health Pond Food (1,555g)

    Get the pond season off to a good start! As your fish come back to life after the long winter this wheatgerm food with added features will provide the perfect pick me up. Being wheatgerm based this food is easily digestible so suitable for feeding to ... Learn More



    from 1 store
  5. Blagdon Midipond 4500 Pump

    The Blagdon Midipond 4500 has a larger flow rate than most other fountain pumps. It is aimed at those who wish to create a large fountain display or to power a decent waterfall. However, as the pump is supplied with a sturdy T piece, its power can be ... Learn More



    from 1 store
  6. hot

    Blagdon Midipond 6500 Pump

    The Blagdon 6500 Midipond is one of the most powerful fountain pumps on the market today and this power can be utilised to create a large fountain display or waterfall. Alternatively the fast flow rate can be divided between a number of functions. Whatever ... Learn More



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