Anglo Aquatic Gloire Lily Nymphaea 3L (PLEASE ALLOW 2-9 WORKING

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Anglo Aquatic Gloire Lily Nymphaea 3L (PLEASE ALLOW 2-9 WORKING DAYS FOR DELIVERY)

Brand: Anglo Aquatic

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £39.99 - £39.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

PLEASE ALLOW 2 9 WORKING DAYS FOR DELIVERYUnfortunately we cannot ship live plants outside mainland UK. Any order placed for delivery outside mainland UK will be cancelled and refunded.This very unusual and attractive flower is often considered to be Marliac's ultimate hybrid. The flowers can have upward...

PLEASE ALLOW 2 9 WORKING DAYS FOR DELIVERYUnfortunately we cannot ship live plants outside mainland UK. Any order placed for delivery outside mainland UK will be cancelled and refunded.This very unusual and attractive flower is often considered to be Marliac's ultimate hybrid. The flowers can have upward of 100 petals and are large, as are the leaves.Repotting or plantingThis particular size of lily does not need repotting but would benefit from being potted up.Care InstructionsPlant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days.PLEASE ALLOW 2 9 WORKING DAYS FOR DELIVERY...Read More...»»

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  • PLEASE ALLOW 2 9 WORKING DAYS FOR DELIVERYUnfortunately we cannot ship live plants outside mainland UK. Any order placed for delivery outside mainland UK will be cancelled and refunded.This very unusual and attractive flower is often considered to be Marliac's ultimate hybrid. The flowers can have upward of 100 petals and are large, as are the leaves.Repotting or plantingThis particular size of lily does not need repotting but would benefit from being potted up.Care InstructionsPlant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days.PLEASE ALLOW 2 9 WORKING DAYS FOR DELIVERY....from Pondkeeper
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