Draper 24,960lph Pump with Float Switch (SWP420/98919)

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Draper 24,960lph Pump with Float Switch (SWP420/98919)

Brand: Draper

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £169.99 - £169.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

The Draper SWP320ADW is a powerful pump that can handle solids up to 38mm. It can handle practically any dirty environment you can throw at it. Ideal for spectacular waterfalls and heavy duty applications such as, pumping out inspection pits, ditches and footings where solids may be present as well as...

The Draper SWP320ADW is a powerful pump that can handle solids up to 38mm. It can handle practically any dirty environment you can throw at it. Ideal for spectacular waterfalls and heavy duty applications such as, pumping out inspection pits, ditches and footings where solids may be present as well as general irrigation. Ceramic shaft for long life, thermal overload protection and float switch which automatically turns the pump off when water level has dropped. Supplied complete with 10m approx. cable with BS approved non rewireable moulded plug and cable. THIS PUMP IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE RAN CONTINUOUSLY DOING SO WILL INVALIDATE THE WARRANTYNote This pump is not suitable for fish....Read More...»»

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  • The Draper SWP320ADW is a powerful pump that can handle solids up to 38mm. It can handle practically any dirty environment you can throw at it. Ideal for spectacular waterfalls and heavy duty applications such as, pumping out inspection pits, ditches and footings where solids may be present as well as general irrigation. Ceramic shaft for long life, thermal overload protection and float switch which automatically turns the pump off when water level has dropped. Supplied complete with 10m approx. cable with BS approved non rewireable moulded plug and cable. THIS PUMP IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE RAN CONTINUOUSLY DOING SO WILL INVALIDATE THE WARRANTYNote This pump is not suitable for fish.....from Pondkeeper
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