A fantastic pump and filter set by Hozelock for koi ponds containing up to 8,000 litres and goldfish ponds up to 16,000 litres. The set combines the Bioforce Revolution 14000, which is a highly efficient mechanical and biological filter, with another Hozelock product that pumps water through and features 6mm solids handling capability and low running costs. This set contains the following components please click links below for more information• Hozelock Aquaforce 8000 pond pump note hose and clips not included with this set• Hozelock Bioforce Revolution 14000 pressure filter...Read More...»»
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Compare prices for Hozelock Bioforce Revolution 14000 Filter & Aquaforce 8000 Pump Set - Buy Hozelock Bioforce Revolution 14000 Filter & Aquaforce 8000 Pump Set prices checked on March 14, 2025