SuperFish 19cm Waterfall Filter

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SuperFish 19cm Waterfall Filter

Brand: SuperFish

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £29.99 - £29.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

If you are running a waterfall this is an essential piece of kit. Run this waterfall at the top of your existing waterfall to widen the spray of water as it leaves the hose. This effect is far more natural and convincing. Set also includes a piece of filter foam so the product can act as a waterfall...

If you are running a waterfall this is an essential piece of kit. Run this waterfall at the top of your existing waterfall to widen the spray of water as it leaves the hose. This effect is far more natural and convincing. Set also includes a piece of filter foam so the product can act as a waterfall filter taking impurities out of your pumped water before it hits your pond....Read More...»»

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  • If you are running a waterfall this is an essential piece of kit. Run this waterfall at the top of your existing waterfall to widen the spray of water as it leaves the hose. This effect is far more natural and convincing. Set also includes a piece of filter foam so the product can act as a waterfall filter taking impurities out of your pumped water before it hits your pond.....from Pondkeeper
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