Elodea Densa Pond Oxygenating Plant Bunch (5 Bunches, 25 Stems)

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Elodea Densa Pond Oxygenating Plant Bunch (5 Bunches, 25 Stems)

Brand: PondXpert

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £19.99 - £19.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

Weighted pond plants that can be simply dropped into your pond where they will establish themselves and grow. Elodea Densa is known as a 'waterweed' and is one of the most popular varieties available. These plants will thrive in outdoor ponds or indoor aquariums....

Weighted pond plants that can be simply dropped into your pond where they will establish themselves and grow. Elodea Densa is known as a 'waterweed' and is one of the most popular varieties available. These plants will thrive in outdoor ponds or indoor aquariums....Read More...»»

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  • Weighted pond plants that can be simply dropped into your pond where they will establish themselves and grow. Elodea Densa is known as a 'waterweed' and is one of the most popular varieties available. These plants will thrive in outdoor ponds or indoor aquariums.....from Pondkeeper
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