Evolution Aqua Pure Pond Bomb

Evolution Aqua Pure Pond Bomb

Brand: Evolution Aqua

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £14.99 - £14.99 from 1 retailers


Quick Overview

Designed to be dropped straight into your pond or filter, this bomb contains millions of healthy bacteria to help clean up organic sludge, disable nitrate and bring your pond back into perfect balance....

Designed to be dropped straight into your pond or filter, this bomb contains millions of healthy bacteria to help clean up organic sludge, disable nitrate and bring your pond back into perfect balance....Read More...»»

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  • Designed to be dropped straight into your pond or filter, this bomb contains millions of healthy bacteria to help clean up organic sludge, disable nitrate and bring your pond back into perfect balance.....from Pondkeeper
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    Customer Reviews

    • Rating
      it stops nuisance all calls
      Review by Keith on October 8, 2018
      easy to use
    • Rating
      but the product is good and delivery
      Review by Roger on October 8, 2017
      The product does its job, despite being wrapped knee deep in bubble wrap when I undid mine I was aware of a lot of liquid in the parcel, the tub was smashed and the plastic bag inside it was split, transferred contents to old tub, I would say it had been run over, but the product is good and delivery quick
    • Rating
      Pond Nitrate levels.
      Review by Mick in Whitstable,Kent. on August 17, 2017
      The nitrate levels in my Koi pond were way to high,just one Pond Bomb bought these down to an acceptable level. After one month another Pond Bomb it is now ok. It is not a treatment to control weed growth. The Pond is perfectly clear and the Koi are a lot more active,highly recommended. The people that complain about this product saying it doesn't work, they have to remove it from the plastic container before adding it to the pond!!!!
    • Rating
      Nitrite spikes using Pond Bomb
      Review by GSARider on August 13, 2017
    • Rating
      does as it says on the packet
      Review by jackie on June 26, 2017
    • Rating
      and they are fantastic, really speeds up the filter process and sets ...
      Review by nicko on April 19, 2017
      I purchased one of these last year , and they are fantastic , really speeds up the filter process and sets the pond up for the summer . Excellent product
      it makes a change when something you buy actually does what it says on the box , carnt praise it enough .
    • Rating
      does not harm wildlife
      Review by stephen on April 2, 2017
      this really does work well cut it in half put it in two wild life ponds with no pump and full of tadpoles and after a week they just cleared great will use again
    • Rating
      Five Stars
      Review by David Tee on July 9, 2016
    • Rating
      Very Very Pleased/Be Patient!
      Review by DW Devon on July 4, 2016
    • Rating
      Fantastic help! Better than a lot of more expensive ...
      Review by Lady T "Tas" on July 29, 2014
      Fantastic help! Better than a lot of more expensive products out there. You will notice the difference within 3 days - I've just ordered another three, to keep in stock. It's a great help with a new pond, and I wish someone had told me of this earlier... especially, as I had to leave my new filter off for three weeks to help build up the bacteria's etc. The only other thing I've done is use a sunshade (pond was in extreme sun) and bought another air filtration system (you can never have enough air!)...
    • Rating
      Fantastic help! Better than a lot of more expensive ...
      Review by Lady T on July 29, 2014
      Fantastic help! Better than a lot of more expensive products out there. You will notice the difference within 3 days - I've just ordered another three, to keep in stock. It's a great help with a new pond, and I wish someone had told me of this earlier... especially, as I had to leave my new filter off for three weeks to help build up the bacteria's etc. The only other thing I've done is use a sunshade (pond was in extreme sun) and bought another air filtration system (you can never have enough air!)...
    • Rating
      Review by Ian on April 19, 2013
      Dropped in pond as directed a week ago and water still as green as ever! It has not worked at all.
    • Rating
      pond bomb
      Review by linny on April 16, 2013
      didnt do a thing, waste of money! am going to try another product, hope it works, or else i might fill pond in!
    • Rating
      Blown away
      Review by Momma J on September 1, 2012
      I added 2 bombs to a 7.500gallon pond before a 2 week holiday. On my return this was what I could see. The b/drain is apox 7' away & 5' down from camera possition. View link provided.

    • Rating
      no bomb!
      Review by J. M. Buck "Jen" on August 2, 2012
      I used one and it made no difference. I complained and received another - but still no change. Like to know what others think!
    • Rating
      bomb failed to go off
      Review by pete0607 on July 20, 2012
      i tried this last week and it hasn't done a thing. My pond water is still as green as it was before i put it in.
      Maybe i should have lit a fuse.:)

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